The Coll­ec­ti­ve

Sound­ing Situa­tions

Sound­ing Situa­tions deve­lo­ps high­ly inno­va­ti­ve music thea­ter whe­re the per­for­mers and musi­ci­ans, the audi­tive and the audi­ence meet in both phy­si­cal and ima­gi­na­ry space for artis­tic action. Their pro­jects crea­te moments whe­re poli­ti­cal art, cur­rent ques­ti­ons of our socie­ty, rea­li­ty, uto­pia, and artis­tic magic mer­ge into a mul­ti­laye­red art­work.

Often the group works bet­ween count­ries, con­ti­nents, and cul­tu­ral boun­da­ries in trans-tra­di­tio­nal expe­ri­ments hence over­co­ming chal­lenges and reve­al­ing the beau­ty of our shared human exis­tence.

Sin­ce 2014 the coll­ec­ti­ve explo­res thea­tri­cal situa­tions bet­ween thea­ter, sta­ging and music. Live pro­ces­sing of ori­gi­nal musi­cal mate­ri­al, instru­ments, field recor­dings and lan­guage sounds are con­nec­ted to a uni­que com­po­si­ti­on. The work always looks for a strong rela­ti­on to the envi­ron­ment in its mate­ri­al, acou­stic and poli­ti­cal con­text. Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons ran­ge from musi­ci­ans to cho­reo­graph­ers, visu­al artists, aut­hors, thea­ter and film direc­tors.

The long term work brought the group pre­sen­ted their pro­jects at Haus der Kul­tu­ren der Welt, Kamp­na­gel Ham­burg, Hum­boldt Forum and per­for­med in Ger­ma­ny, Ita­ly, Bel­gi­um, Cana­da, Bra­sil, Den­mark, Isra­el and Rwan­da and other places around the world.


SUPPORT & Fun­ding