Mer­ge /​ Buz­zing Bridge

The music thea­ter MERGE plays with how the pro­cess of recor­ding makes us who we are – how real and fic­ti­ve record but­tons, repe­ti­ti­on, sounds, music, and lan­guage crea­te our iden­ti­ties.

In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in sou­thern Rwan­da gathers for a magi­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an offi­ci­al of the Ger­man colo­ni­al admi­nis­tra­ti­on with a machi­ne that sucks in the sound, car­ves the voices and the music into the wax rol­lers. The artists offer their talent wit­hout compensation.In MERGE, the musi­ci­ans and per­for­mers beco­me sound car­ri­ers who turn the stage into a sound­ing nego­tia­ti­on space: Who owns what and what belongs whe­re? What is for­eign? What is the own?