With this pro­ject Sound­ing Situa­tions crea­tes a mul­ti-per­spec­ti­ve music theat­re about the acti­vi­ties of the Rus­si­an mer­cena­ry group ‘Wag­ner’ as a musi­cal cine­ma­scope. Tik-Tok mytho­lo­gies and Dis­cord legends meet an uncer­tain pre­sent.
Tog­e­ther with the instru­men­ta­lists, a mul­ti-laye­red and hete­ro­ge­neous live com­po­si­ti­on is crea­ted. Sen­si­ti­ve, con­tem­po­ra­ry, Dio­ny­si­an and mini­mal – a real-time Wag­ner in the news stu­dio.