Near My Ears — Pre­miere

Every­t­ing takes time to ripen. Our jour­ney to this show actu­al­ly start­ed 10 years ago at our res­i­den­cy in Brus­sels at QO2 where we devel­oped the first pro­to­type of our mobile live set up. Actu­al­ly by then the text of Etel Adnan found us (in this order) — and has been accom­pa­ny­ing us through dif­fer­ent times. This text-tis­sue, as Etel would prob­a­bly called it her­self, made us search for her, and in 2017 we trav­eled to meet her in Paris in her apart­ment. We spoke about our work and what we would like to do with her “tis­sue” and she record­ed it with us. We are so grate­ful to have met her in per­son. We have been patent­ly wait­ing all these years and knew at some point these record­ings will come to live again — which is now in Near my Ears.  

The 14th and 15th of May and at Som­merblut Fes­ti­val in Köln we pre­miere this piece togeth­er with two amaz­ing local musi­cians Dor­rit Bauereck­er and Rochus Aust, Klaus, myself and Etels voice, walk­ing through the city and try­ing to under­stand and feel what it means “to be in a time of war”…..

Tick­ets and more infor­ma­tion here:

“To be in a time of war”, a text by the Lebanese philoso­pher Etel Adnan Adnan, is the start­ing point for a ram­ble through the streets of Cologne. Simul­ta­ne­ous to war reports and world events, tourists stream towards the city cen­ter, home­less peo­ple, work­ing peo­ple, chil­dren at play, par­ty-goers, fol­low their every­day lives. As a mobile music the­ater, Near My Ears seeks out places where the quo­tid­i­an and the polit­i­cal meet to cre­ate an approach to glob­al con­nect­ed­ness.