the col­lec­tive

Sound­ing Sit­u­a­tions devel­ops high­ly inno­v­a­tive music the­ater where the per­form­ers and musi­cians, the audi­tive and the audi­ence meet in both phys­i­cal and imag­i­nary space for artis­tic action. Their projects cre­ate moments where polit­i­cal art, cur­rent ques­tions of our soci­ety, real­i­ty, utopia, and artis­tic mag­ic merge into a mul­ti­lay­ered art­work.

Often the group works between coun­tries, con­ti­nents, and cul­tur­al bound­aries in trans-tra­di­tion­al exper­i­ments hence over­com­ing chal­lenges and reveal­ing the beau­ty of our shared human exis­tence.

Isn’t that what polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed art is sup­posed to do—open up per­spec­tives?

And isn’t that what art in gen­er­al should do, at least on an aes­thet­ic lev­el?

[field notes mag­a­zine on Rwan­dan Records release]



We are thrilled to share some fan­tas­tic news with you: RWANDAN RECORDS will grace the stage at the pres­ti­gious Kam­pala Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of The­atre (KIFT) this Novem­ber.

The KIFT Fes­ti­val, known for cel­e­brat­ing diverse and impact­ful per­for­mances from around the globe, is giv­ing us a mar­vel­lous plat­form for “Rwan­dan Records” to shine. We are look­ing for­ward to meet our audi­ence in Kam­pala!

As well we are in a hot prepa­ra­tion phase for our next big pro­duc­tion WAGNER WELTWEIT to pre­mier in 2025 togeth­er with kamp­nagel Ham­burg and the Deutsche Oper Berlin!

Stay tuned!