

Triple Feed­back

The piece Triple Feed­back draws atten­tion to mutu­al lis­ten­ing and the pow­er of record­ing. Dur­ing colo­nial expe­di­tions of Ger­man anthro­pol­o­gists in Rwan­da at the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry, unequal encoun­ters result­ed in sound doc­u­ments that are stored today in the Berlin­er Phono­gramm-Archiv and were not acces­si­ble to the local peo­ple for a long time. Details


13:00 +16:00 h

Hör­raum Hum­boldt Forum




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

23. Nov 2024

Kam­pala Inter­na­tion­al The­atre Fes­ti­val




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

22. Nov 2024

Kam­pala Inter­na­tion­al The­atre Fes­ti­val



site specific

Near My Ears

To be in a time of war”, a text by the Lebanese philoso­pher Etel Adnan. Adnan, is the start­ing point for a ram­ble through the streets of a city cen­ter. Simul­ta­ne­ous to war reports and world events, tourists stream towards the city cen­ter, home­less peo­ple, work­ing peo­ple, chil­dren at play, par­ty-goers, fol­low their every­day lives. As a mobile music the­ater, […] Details

15. May 2024

Start at St Apos­tel Kirche


site specific

Near My Ears

To be in a time of war”, a text by the Lebanese philoso­pher Etel Adnan. Adnan, is the start­ing point for a ram­ble through the streets of a city cen­ter. Simul­ta­ne­ous to war reports and world events, tourists stream towards the city cen­ter, home­less peo­ple, work­ing peo­ple, chil­dren at play, par­ty-goers, fol­low their every­day lives. As a mobile music the­ater, […] Details

14. May 2024

Start at St Apos­tel Kirche



Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

23. Mar 2024

Hoch X



Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

22. Mar 2024

Hoch X



Rwan­dan Records Album

The music of this album is one of dif­fer­ent ele­ments, which con­sti­tutes the walk­ing-through-music- the­atre piece Rwan­dan Records. Details

28. Apr 2023

CD release


for man­aus

the music/​video piece works with mate­ri­als found around the pan­dem­ic in 2021 were hos­pi­tals in Man­aus would­n’t pro­vide oxy­gen for their patients Details

26. Apr 2023

Maniph­es­ta noise — online



Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

14. Nov 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

13. Nov 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

12. Nov 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

29. May 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

28. May 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

27. May 2022




Merge /​ Buzzing Bridge

The music the­ater MERGE plays with how the process of record­ing makes us who we are – how real and fic­tive record but­tons, rep­e­ti­tion, sounds, music, and lan­guage cre­ate our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in south­ern Rwan­da gath­ers for a mag­i­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details

26. May 2022




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

24. Oct 2021

Hum­boldt Forum



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

23. Oct 2021

Hum­boldt Forum



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

22. Oct 2021

Hum­boldt Forum



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

21. Oct 2021

Hum­boldt Forum



Tran­form­ing Trans­mis­sion

The walk-in music the­atre piece “Trans­form­ing Trans­mis­sion” com­bines Hamburg’s colo­nial past with sto­ries from the area of the East African Great Lakes. The audi­ence itself becomes the orches­tra on its way through HafenCi­ty. The sound­track is cre­at­ed for each per­for­mance as a live stream con­cert with musi­cians in Ham­burg and Bujum­bu­ra. Details

25. Jun 2021

kamp­nagel — Baak­en­hafen



Tran­form­ing Trans­mis­sion

The walk-in music the­atre piece “Trans­form­ing Trans­mis­sion” com­bines Hamburg’s colo­nial past with sto­ries from the area of the East African Great Lakes. The audi­ence itself becomes the orches­tra on its way through HafenCi­ty. The sound­track is cre­at­ed for each per­for­mance as a live stream con­cert with musi­cians in Ham­burg and Bujum­bu­ra. Details

24. Jun 2021

kamp­nagel — Baak­en­hafen



for man­aus

the music/​video piece works with mate­ri­als found around the pan­dem­ic in 2021 were hos­pi­tals in Man­aus would­n’t pro­vide oxy­gen for their patients Details

28. May 2021

Impro­fest 2021 — online

Sao Paulo

radio play

Baby, baby! Luft­post für Janis

She had the blues. She trans­formed music into a tran­scen­den­tal expe­ri­ence. To this day, she gives you goose­bumps. She lived to be only 27 years old. On Octo­ber 4, 1970, she was found dead in a hotel room with a hero­in over­dose in her blood. Details

27. Sep 2020

Kun­stra­dio Ö1


Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

19. Oct 2019




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

18. Oct 2019




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

17. Oct 2019




Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

24. Mar 2019

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

23. Mar 2019

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

22. Mar 2019

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt



Rwan­dan Records

Rwan­dan Records is a sound instal­la­tion, record­ing stu­dio, radio play, archive and live con­cert all at once. It com­bines pre-colo­nial his­to­ry with sto­ries from the present and invites the audi­ence to immerse them­selves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­many from a per­son­al and glob­al per­spec­tive. Details

21. Mar 2019

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt




“Mus­rar­opera” is a mobile-radio­phon­ic-opera devel­oped in a his­tor­i­cal­ly charged quar­ter of Jerusalem, lay­ing between fan­cy shops, the Pales­tin­ian area of Damuskus Gate and the ultra­ortho­dox Mea Shearim. Mus­rara is a mir­ror of the city, Israel and the com­plex­i­ty of the Mid­dle East, inhab­it­ed by peo­ple of divers cul­tur­al, reli­gious and polit­i­cal back­grounds, keep­ing the explo­sive coex­is­tence of the […] Details

29. May 2018

Mus­rara Art Mix Fes­ti­val




Echolot search­es for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­r­i­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mean­ing are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­formed through the voice of the vis­i­tors into sound, the short and play­ful record­ings get over­layed, (de)composed, sent, resent and received by the lis­ten­er in musi­cal­ized form. An […] Details

08. Jun 2017

Goethe Insti­tut

Sao Paulo



is a project to research fun­da­men­tal struc­tures of acoustic par­ti­cles with­in dif­fer­ent glob­al envi­ron­ments. The par­ti­cles are made to col­lide togeth­er at close to the speed of light. The process gives the researchers clues about how the par­ti­cles inter­act, and pro­vides insights into the fun­da­men­tal laws of artis­tic nature. Details

15. May 2017



radio play

Kun­st im Ver­hör

The radio play doc­u­ments and stages the ver­bal man­i­fes­ta­tions of Pavlen­sky’s actions: Police reports and pub­lic reac­tions, wit­ness state­ments and pro­gram­mat­ic dec­la­ra­tions, as well as a series of inter­ro­ga­tions that Pavlen­sky secret­ly record­ed. An absurd the­atre unfolds in which the means of art are used against the instru­ments of the pow­er appa­ra­tus. Details

20. Mar 2017



radio play

Kun­st im Ver­hör

The radio play doc­u­ments and stages the ver­bal man­i­fes­ta­tions of Pavlen­sky’s actions: Police reports and pub­lic reac­tions, wit­ness state­ments and pro­gram­mat­ic dec­la­ra­tions, as well as a series of inter­ro­ga­tions that Pavlen­sky secret­ly record­ed. An absurd the­atre unfolds in which the means of art are used against the instru­ments of the pow­er appa­ra­tus. Details

19. Mar 2017





Echolot search­es for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­r­i­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mean­ing are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­formed through the voice of the vis­i­tors into sound, the short and play­ful record­ings get over­layed, (de)composed, sent, resent and received by the lis­ten­er in musi­cal­ized form. An […] Details

05. Dec 2016

Miss Heck­er




Echolot search­es for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­r­i­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mean­ing are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­formed through the voice of the vis­i­tors into sound, the short and play­ful record­ings get over­layed, (de)composed, sent, resent and received by the lis­ten­er in musi­cal­ized form. An […] Details

05. Mar 2016





Echolot search­es for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­r­i­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mean­ing are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­formed through the voice of the vis­i­tors into sound, the short and play­ful record­ings get over­layed, (de)composed, sent, resent and received by the lis­ten­er in musi­cal­ized form. An […] Details

27. Feb 2016

Goethe Insti­tut



Case Corti­na

Case Corti­na is a con­cert for­mat that looks for the devel­op­ment of an audi­tive-per­for­ma­tive „instru­ment“. It is based on the con­stant inves­ti­ga­tion of the spe­cial acoustic char­ac­ter­is­tics of field record­ings, music and lan­guage that enter a dia­log of its infor­ma­tion­al con­tent. Details

30. Aug 2015

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt



Case Corti­na

Case Corti­na is a con­cert for­mat that looks for the devel­op­ment of an audi­tive-per­for­ma­tive „instru­ment“. It is based on the con­stant inves­ti­ga­tion of the spe­cial acoustic char­ac­ter­is­tics of field record­ings, music and lan­guage that enter a dia­log of its infor­ma­tion­al con­tent. Details

29. Aug 2015

Haus der Kul­turen der Welt
