website launch
we are very happy about the result and process of our creation of the new CI. We are as well thankful to Stephanie Roderer for her graphic translation of what we are, and what we stand for. Design is a language on its own and we have a deep respect of her knowledge, wish and will to not compromise the result. During the finding process she not only worked creatively, but also as a dramaturg/moderator of our wishes and its translation to the outside. Thanks also to Felix Wochnik from Studio Bens who in no time programmed and communicated with friendlyless and ease. A very joyful process.
We launched the website now for our desired date. There are surely still a few blind spots which we know about or even not. One thing we are aware that the photo credits are missing, and will assure to all the photographers who by documenting our projects contributed their own arts to our work, that we will place the photo credits in the next weeks.