With this project Sound­ing Sit­u­a­tions cre­ates a mul­ti-per­spec­tive music the­atre about the activ­i­ties of the Russ­ian mer­ce­nary group ‘Wag­n­er’ as a musi­cal cin­e­mas­cope. Tik-Tok mytholo­gies and Dis­cord leg­ends meet an uncer­tain present.
Togeth­er with the instru­men­tal­ists, a mul­ti-lay­ered and het­ero­ge­neous live com­po­si­tion is cre­at­ed. Sen­si­tive, con­tem­po­rary, Dionysian and min­i­mal — a real-time Wag­n­er in the news stu­dio.