

Mer­ge /​ Buz­zing Bridge

The music thea­ter MERGE plays with how the pro­cess of recor­ding makes us who we are – how real and fic­ti­ve record but­tons, repe­ti­ti­on, sounds, music, and lan­guage crea­te our iden­ti­ties. In a pho­to­graph from 1906, a crowd in sou­thern Rwan­da gathers for a magi­cal event in front of a small appa­ra­tus on a table. Behind the table is an […] Details
two indi­vi­du­al pie­ces on coll­ec­tively gathe­red infor­ma­ti­ons are per­for­med simul­ta­neous­ly on Kamp­na­gel Ham­burg /​ Eli­sa­beth­kir­che Ber­lin and Buja Sans Taboo, Bujum­bu­ra


Rwandan Records

Rwandan Records is a sound instal­la­ti­on, recor­ding stu­dio, radio play, archi­ve and live con­cert all at once. It com­bi­nes pre-colo­ni­al histo­ry with sto­ries from the pre­sent and invi­tes the audi­ence to immer­se them­sel­ves in the sto­ries shared by Rwan­da and Ger­ma­ny from a per­so­nal and glo­bal per­spec­ti­ve. Details
pre­mie­red at Haus der Kul­tu­ren der Welt, and fur­ther per­for­med at Kamp­na­gel Ham­burg. The music­theat­re pie­ce inau­gu­ra­ted the per­forming arts space at Hum­boldt­fo­rum Ber­lin


Tri­ple Feed­back

The pie­ce Tri­ple Feed­back draws atten­ti­on to mutu­al lis­tening and the power of recor­ding. During colo­ni­al expe­di­ti­ons of Ger­man anthro­po­lo­gists in Rwan­da at the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry, une­qual encoun­ters resul­ted in sound docu­ments that are stored today in the Ber­li­ner Pho­no­gramm-Archiv and were not acces­si­ble to the local peo­p­le for a long time. Details
instal­la­ti­on hosts the voices of Rwandan pro­du­cers being expo­sed to music recor­ded in the last cen­tu­ry recor­ded in Rwan­da and stored at Pho­no­gramm Archiv Ber­lin


Tran­forming Trans­mis­si­on

The walk-in music theat­re pie­ce “Trans­forming Trans­mis­si­on” com­bi­nes Hamburg’s colo­ni­al past with sto­ries from the area of the East Afri­can Gre­at Lakes. The audi­ence its­elf beco­mes the orches­tra on its way through Hafen­Ci­ty. The sound­track is crea­ted for each per­for­mance as a live stream con­cert with musi­ci­ans in Ham­burg and Bujum­bu­ra. Details
mobi­le music theat­re hap­pe­ning at Kamp­na­gel Ham­burg and Buja sans taboo, Bujum­bu­ra simul­ta­neous­ly



„Mus­rar­ope­ra“ is a mobi­le-radio­pho­nic-ope­ra deve­lo­ped in a his­to­ri­cal­ly char­ged quar­ter of Jeru­sa­lem, lay­ing bet­ween fan­cy shops, the Pal­es­ti­ni­an area of Damus­kus Gate and the ultra­or­tho­dox Mea Shea­rim. Mus­ra­ra is a mir­ror of the city, Isra­el and the com­ple­xi­ty of the Midd­le East, inha­bi­ted by peo­p­le of divers cul­tu­ral, reli­gious and poli­ti­cal back­grounds, kee­ping the explo­si­ve coexis­tence of the […] Details
Win­ner of the Music The­ta­re Now Pri­ce 2018 as one of the 10 best inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­men­tal music­theat­re pie­ces bet­ween 2015–18
sel­ec­ted for the arts resi­den­cy of Nag­ger school of arts and socie­ty, Jeru­sa­lem



Echo­lot sear­ches for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­ri­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mea­ning are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­for­med through the voice of the visi­tors into sound, the short and playful recor­dings get over­lay­ed, (de)composed, sent, resent and recei­ved by the lis­te­ner in musi­cal­i­zed form. An […] Details
Echo­lot pro­du­ced for White Nights Mont­re­al /​ Goe­the Insti­tut, fur­ther per­for­med at Matral­ab Concordia/​McGill, Mont­re­al, Miss Hecker, Ber­lin, Goe­the Insti­tut Sao Pau­lo


Rwandan Records Album

The music of this album is one of dif­fe­rent ele­ments, which con­sti­tu­tes the wal­king-through-music- theat­re pie­ce Rwandan Records. Details
album published by

site specific

Sign Wave

Sign Wave is a musi­cal per­for­mance that digs into buried sto­ries and encoun­ters sin­ce the Ger­man occu­pa­ti­on in East Afri­ca. Details
com­mis­sio­ned by the Rhein­land-Pfäl­zi­sche Lan­des­ver­tre­tung, cele­bra­ting the 40th anni­ver­sa­ry of the German/​Rwandan asso­cia­ti­on with the Ambassa­dors of Ger­ma­ny in Rwan­da, Rwan­da in Ger­ma­ny and others.


for man­aus

the music/​video pie­ce works with mate­ri­als found around the pan­de­mic in 2021 were hos­pi­tals in Man­aus would­n’t pro­vi­de oxy­gen for their pati­ents Details
Music video crea­ted for Impro­fest, Sao Pau­lo 2021, pre­sen­ted online at Mani­phes­ta noi­se, Sal­va­dor 2023

site specific

ZERO, Land der Zukunft

Live audio walk with live music con­nec­tion to Sal­va­dor da Bahia, inde­pendent­ly acces­si­ble with own smart­phone crea­ted on invi­ta­ti­on to Dys­to­pia Fes­ti­val Ber­lin Bra­zil 2020 – a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with matthaei&konsorten and Sound­ing Situa­tions Details
mobi­le con­cert walk com­mis­sio­ned by Dys­to­pia Fes­ti­val Ber­lin 2020


pro­s­pec­ting LP

Sound­ing Situa­tions explo­res the noti­on of bridging by pro­s­pec­ting into con­cre­te sounds, spo­ken works and music mate­ri­al. Details
LP published by Almen­rau­schen



is a pro­ject to rese­arch fun­da­men­tal struc­tures of acou­stic par­tic­les within dif­fe­rent glo­bal envi­ron­ments. The par­tic­les are made to col­l­i­de tog­e­ther at clo­se to the speed of light. The pro­cess gives the rese­ar­chers clues about how the par­tic­les inter­act, and pro­vi­des insights into the fun­da­men­tal laws of artis­tic natu­re. Details
Vila Sul Resi­den­cy /​ Robert Bosch scho­lar­ship


Case Stu­dy: Ser­tão

fiel­dre­cor­dings of Ser­tão’s Violei­ros, impro­vi­sing poet­ry in the ear­ly 70ies are brought in todays con­text through Vio­la, Vio­lon­cel­lo, dou­ble­bass and the pro­ces­sed ori­gi­nal tapes – album Details
album published by Crea­ti­ve Sources, Lis­bon

radio play

Baby, baby! Luft­post für Janis

She had the blues. She trans­for­med music into a tran­s­cen­den­tal expe­ri­ence. To this day, she gives you goo­se­bumps. She lived to be only 27 years old. On Octo­ber 4, 1970, she was found dead in a hotel room with a hero­in over­do­se in her blood. Details
Kunst­ra­dio Ö1
Nomi­na­ted Radio­play of the Year 2020

radio play

Kunst im Ver­hör

The radio play docu­ments and stages the ver­bal mani­fes­ta­ti­ons of Pav­len­sky’s actions: Poli­ce reports and public reac­tions, wit­ness state­ments and pro­gram­ma­tic decla­ra­ti­ons, as well as a series of inter­ro­ga­ti­ons that Pav­len­sky secret­ly recor­ded. An absurd theat­re unfolds in which the means of art are used against the instru­ments of the power appa­ra­tus. Details
radio­play for WDR, high­light­ing Piotr Paw­lenskis inter­ro­ga­ti­ons in court, reas­si­gned by him as artis­tic mate­ri­al


Case Cor­ti­na

Case Cor­ti­na is a con­cert for­mat that looks for the deve­lo­p­ment of an audi­tive-per­for­ma­ti­ve „instru­ment“. It is based on the con­stant inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the spe­cial acou­stic cha­rac­te­ristics of field recor­dings, music and lan­guage that enter a dia­log of its infor­ma­tio­nal con­tent. Details
Sel­ec­ted pro­ject of Fore­cast Forum Haus der Kul­tu­ren der Welt, Ber­lin 2015