To be in a time of war”, a text by the Lebanese philosopher Etel Adnan. Adnan, is the starting point for a ramble through the streets of a city center. Simultaneous to war reports and world events, tourists stream towards the city center, homeless people, working people, children at play, party-goers, follow their everyday lives. As a mobile music theater, […]
live audio walk through a city with local musicians and text by Etel Adnan
“Musraropera” is a mobile-radiophonic-opera developed in a historically charged quarter of Jerusalem, laying between fancy shops, the Palestinian area of Damuskus Gate and the ultraorthodox Mea Shearim. Musrara is a mirror of the city, Israel and the complexity of the Middle East, inhabited by people of divers cultural, religious and political backgrounds, keeping the explosive coexistence of the […]
Winner of the Music Thetare Now Price 2018 as one of the 10 best international experimental musictheatre pieces between 2015–18
selected for the arts residency of Nagger school of arts and society, Jerusalem
Live audio walk with live music connection to Salvador da Bahia, independently accessible with own smartphone created on invitation to Dystopia Festival Berlin Brazil 2020 — a collaboration with matthaei&konsorten and Sounding Situations
mobile concert walk commissioned by Dystopia Festival Berlin 2020