


Echolot search­es for hid­den sound­ing and musi­cal mate­r­i­al that is saved in books. Writ­ten words that trans­mit seman­tic mean­ing are for us scores for sound and music. Trans­formed through the voice of the vis­i­tors into sound, the short and play­ful record­ings get over­layed, (de)composed, sent, resent and received by the lis­ten­er in musi­cal­ized form. An […] Details
Echolot pro­duced for White Nights Mon­tre­al /​ Goethe Insti­tut, fur­ther per­formed at Matral­ab Concordia/​McGill, Mon­tre­al, Miss Heck­er, Berlin, Goethe Insti­tut Sao Paulo


Near My Ears

To be in a time of war”, a text by the Lebanese philoso­pher Etel Adnan. Adnan, is the start­ing point for a ram­ble through the streets of a city cen­ter. Simul­ta­ne­ous to war reports and world events, tourists stream towards the city cen­ter, home­less peo­ple, work­ing peo­ple, chil­dren at play, par­ty-goers, fol­low their every­day lives. As a mobile music the­ater, […] Details
14.05. + 15.05 at Som­merblut Fes­ti­val Köln