

Rwan­dan Records Album

The music of this album is one of dif­fer­ent ele­ments, which con­sti­tutes the walk­ing-through-music- the­atre piece Rwan­dan Records. Details
album pub­lished by


for man­aus

the music/​video piece works with mate­ri­als found around the pan­dem­ic in 2021 were hos­pi­tals in Man­aus would­n’t pro­vide oxy­gen for their patients Details
Music video cre­at­ed for Impro­fest, Sao Paulo 2021, pre­sent­ed online at Maniph­es­ta noise, Sal­vador 2023


prospect­ing LP

Sound­ing Sit­u­a­tions explores the notion of bridg­ing by prospect­ing into con­crete sounds, spo­ken works and music mate­r­i­al. Details
LP pub­lished by Almen­rauschen


Case Study: Sertão

fiel­d­record­ings of Sertão’s Vio­leiros, impro­vis­ing poet­ry in the ear­ly 70ies are brought in todays con­text through Vio­la, Vio­lon­cel­lo, dou­ble­bass and the processed orig­i­nal tapes — album Details
album pub­lished by Cre­ative Sources, Lis­bon