
radio play

Baby, baby! Luft­post für Janis

She had the blues. She trans­formed music into a tran­scen­den­tal expe­ri­ence. To this day, she gives you goose­bumps. She lived to be only 27 years old. On Octo­ber 4, 1970, she was found dead in a hotel room with a hero­in over­dose in her blood. Details
Kun­stra­dio Ö1
Nom­i­nat­ed Radio­play of the Year 2020

radio play

Kun­st im Ver­hör

The radio play doc­u­ments and stages the ver­bal man­i­fes­ta­tions of Pavlen­sky’s actions: Police reports and pub­lic reac­tions, wit­ness state­ments and pro­gram­mat­ic dec­la­ra­tions, as well as a series of inter­ro­ga­tions that Pavlen­sky secret­ly record­ed. An absurd the­atre unfolds in which the means of art are used against the instru­ments of the pow­er appa­ra­tus. Details
radio­play for WDR, high­light­ing Piotr Pawlen­skis inter­ro­ga­tions in court, reas­signed by him as artis­tic mate­r­i­al